Monday, 5 June 2017

I am back!

I have just returned from a 2 week trip to Orlando, Florida for the second time in the last 8 months. There was a time where we never went on any holidays growing up but now with my own job and money, I am able to expand my horizons just a little bit and do what I love to do most. Travel.

Like I said. I have just got back from Florida and I am here now to tell you about how I got there. I hope you are ready. It's riveting.

The first day of my trip was obviously a travel day so nothing too exciting. Coming from the Isle of Wight, England it is a little bit of a trek all with the ferry at 1am, an hour and a half in a taxi to Gatwick Airport, a long wait in departures (although that did include a full English breakfast at the residing Wetherspoon), a nearly 9 hour flight to Orlando and then finally picking up our rental car and heading to our hotel. It was long but totally worth it.

Our car was a Toyota Yaris IA. Now I don't know too much about cars but back home when you say Yaris we all picture a car an older person would have. A granny car as I call it. Not knowing that there are more than just the one type if Yaris. It was actually a nice car (See image below).


We were all exhausted by the long day so our only thought was..... BUFFET! The best place for buffet in my opinion is Golden Corral (not sponsored). It is literally 15 dollars for all you can eat salad, steak, shrimp, chicken, pizza etc and not forgetting the desserts! They've got everything. I came out of there full, tired and ready for bed. 

Oh and a hotel room for myself was nice. First time ever I didn't have to share any of it! 2 beds worth of pillows were piled up on the one bed. It was so comfortable! Still woke up the next morning way too early though. Stupid time zones!

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